this is a used preowned 1992? games workshop,citadel warhammer 40K metal space wolves captain in terminator armor.this is an older version of the figure for sure,possibly custom,i do not know or remember,thiswas out of my personal miniature collection.this figure has been primed,assembled and possibly customized.i believe this figure was out of a blister pack,i do not remember.anyway the figure comes with a different looking power sword then others i have seen out of this era unless its like a chaos figure.thhe sword arm also has a basic looking power shield as well.the figure has a storm bolter in the other hand.the figure was primed,maybe to much in some areas,not enough in others,the base in particular but elsewhere as well.there is some primer wear on the tip of the figures sword as well as down the blade to a degree.there is a slight ding or nick in the base of the figure,it was trimmed but not great,the whole figure.there is also some slight yellowing from stated before this is a preowned metal miniature.thank you for looking at this listing.